Featured Fellow: Andrea Ruiz Alvarez, San Bernardino County Superior Court

Andrea Ruiz Alvarez, 2023-2024 Judicial Fellow, San Bernardino County Superior Court

Hello!! My name is Andrea Ruiz Alvarez (she/her) and I am currently placed at the Superior Court of San Bernardino County. Recently graduated from Yale University in 2023, I double-majored in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, which have both heavily influenced my work and interests in the legal field and my work as a Fellow. Having grown up in San Bernardino County, it has been an honor to come home and work for our communities through this role. Being able to represent my county in my professional and academic work has impacted my understanding of justice here in San Bernardino.

I applied for the Judicial Fellowship to learn more about the legal system and to dive into the world of public service. My ultimate career goal is to work in the legal field, but as many of us relate to, entering this world and career path can be intimidating and challenging. This fellowship has given me the opportunity to learn about what I can do to provide my community with the resources and tools it needs whilst learning about the administrative side of the courts. Through my experience, I am now more prepared to continue supporting the goal of equal access to justice for all and have met incredible people who have supported me through my time here.

At the court, I am a member of the Judicial and Administrative Services Unit, where my role centers on data analytics, business process analysis, and providing support to Judicial Officers, the Executive Office, and the Public. Among my key projects, I have spearheaded the planning and organization of Law Day 2024 celebrations for students throughout San Bernardino County and coordinated Legislative Outreach events to bridge the gap between our legislators and the work of our Court. This year, my fellowship project is focused on conducting a resource analysis of the Call Center to ensure Legal Processing Assistants have the necessary resources to offer effective communication for our litigants. My efforts are dedicated to community outreach and enhancing services for the residents of the largest county in the contiguous United States, a region that has historically been underserved and underrepresented. 

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me! San Bernardino para siempre!!!

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