Featured Fellow: Ella Miles-Urdan, Judicial Council of California, Office of Governmental Affairs

Ella Miles-Urdan, 2023-2024 Judicial Fellow, Judicial Council of California, Office of Governmental Affairs

Hello everyone, my name is Ella Miles-Urdan. I graduated from UC San Diego in June of 2023 with a degree in Political Science with a concentration in Public Law. I am currently placed at the Judicial Council’s Office of Governmental Affairs.

As a Judicial Fellow, I get to be directly involved in legislation that impacts the California court system. I have been lucky to work on a wide range of legislation over the past eight months and have absorbed as much information as I can about the intersections and interactions between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches. The primary issues I am focused on are juvenile justice and child welfare. My Fellowship Project is focused on making juvenile record sealing statutes more evenly applicable. Additionally, I am supporting legislative efforts that impact the highest priority issues facing the judicial branch, including access to remote proceedings and growing court reporter and interpreter shortages. Being a member of the Governmental Affairs team has been such a unique and informative experience, and I am very grateful to be a Capital Fellow. 

I applied for the Judicial Fellowship Program to expand my public service experience and better understand the administration of justice in California. This fellowship has been an incredibly impactful experience and I plan to bring the lessons I have learned about the importance of public service and access to justice into my career in the legal field. Thanks for reading!

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